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Magazines and Books

33 1/3: Scott Tennent

Slint's Spiderland



Further Information

This is a thorough history of Slint, and the Louisville scene that surrounded the band, leading up to and focusing on the creation of their masterpiece, "Spiderland". Of all the seminal albums to come out in 1991 - the year of "Nevermind", "Loveless", "Ten", and "Out of Time", among others - none were quieter, both in volume and influence, than "Spiderland", and no band more mysterious than Slint. Few single albums can lay claim to sparking an entire genre, but "Spiderland" - all six songs of it - laid the foundation for post rock in the 1990s. Yet for so much obvious influence, both the band and the album remain something of a puzzle. This thoroughly researched book is the first substantive attempt to break through some of the mystery surrounding "Spiderland" and the band that made it. Scott Tennent has written a long overdue look at this remarkable album and its origins, delving into the small, insular musical universe that included bands like Squirrel Bait, Maurice, Bitch Magnet, and Bastro. The story, helped by in-depth interviews with band members David Pajo and Todd Brashear, explores the formation of Slint, the recording of "Tweez", and the band's dramatic move into the sound of "Spiderland". For more information on the series and on individual titles in the series, check out our blog.



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