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Magazines and Books

Mack Sproates



Publication date: 19.06.2024


Further Information

The one and only Mack Sproates (Zine supremo) has only gone and put his talents into a Grebo-tastic zine/comic.

Channelling the true spirit of Grebo with it's DIY eye-catching design, humorous magical realism and just plain WEIRDNESS this passionately put together zine is just the kind of gem that would sit and fit nicely with the Grebo scene back in the day.
It's surreal comic strips suck you in nicely and certainly takes me back to a time when Neds, Poppies, Carter and GBOA ruled the radio!

Exactly what I love from a zine...a singular vision that reflects Mack's mind onto paper! I'm hoping a Poppies one is in the offing!



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