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FKA Twigs - LP1

CD: £10.99

Label: Young Turks

Release date: 09.08.2014

Further Information

LP1 is FKA twigs defining artistic statement to date, building on the success of her two previous EPs and accompanying videos (‘EP1’ and ‘EP2’) which have elevated FKA twigs from a word-of-mouth secret to global obsession over the past two years. LP1 features none of these previously released songs; instead each track on LP1 is brand new, born out of FKA twigs’ artistic philosophy of spontaneous creation and collaboration in the studio. LP1 also features artwork from Jesse Kanda, who has manipulated his own photographs of twigs to stunning effect. Kanda previously directed the acclaimed videos for FKA twigs’ ‘Water Me’ and ‘How’s That’ songs.

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